Israel in Paternity Court

The Unintended Consequences of the New War

The Court has determined the You ARE NOT the True Israel, God’s Chosen People and the DNA results are being made available for all the world to see and thus reconsider their thoughts and actions toward You.

The images and associated word phrases below are not to be applied to any race of people but for individual introspect and for one to come to his/her own decision of what to do or not do about it(he and his house).

It deserves explaining that not every soldier committed to serving his/her country as an act of patriotism but some rather as a “Gamble” between War and or Peace with Financial security, some even to escape prison.

Nothing New Under the Sun” Yet there seems to be a call to look at it with “New Eyes” that a “People may discover who they really are; presenting a constant and daily need to separate the “People” from the “Place” Another time to “Stand Still and See the mighty “Hand of God”

correction: PTSD – A disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event.