Unorthodox Thanks

Giving Unorthodox Thanks

Omicron Angels, Abortion Escapees, Widows & Fatherless Border Crossers      And More

    The Companies had no courage, so God sent up a “Mist called Omicron Angels” to give the People of God a Rest.  Thankful to have been given a “Relief and Rest” from the “Death and Destruction” caused by the “Virus”.

Lesson “Call those Things that Be Not as though They Were” Romans 4:17b and “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;” Ephesians 5:20

Thankful for the Widows and Fatherless that escaped into the deserts to cross over into a land that was prepared for them in the presence of their enemies “Giant Publicans” who saw them as “grasshoppers” and that God will separate the Wheat from the Tares.

Thankful for “Abortion Escapees” of all trimesters and the mothers that bore them and the Mercy of God that’s available to All for wrong decisions in life if the “Fess Up” Also Thankful for the “Great Decoupling” of Pro-Choice vs Pro Life. ( see more in our Clouds)